Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development
Revised agenda of the meeting to be held in Paris
on Monday, 3 June 2013 at the Council of Europe Office, Paris 16ème
Monday, 3 June 2013
[AS/Soc (2013) OJ 04 rev]
Adoption of the revised draft agenda
[AS/Soc (2013) PV 03, AS/Soc (2013) PV 02 add, AS/Soc (2013) PV 03 add]
. Approval of the draft minutes of the meeting held in Strasbourg on 22-25 April 2013
. Approval and declassification of the draft minutes of the 12th meeting of the network of contact parliamentarians to stop sexual violence against children, held in Berlin on 14 March 2013
. Approval and declassification of the draft minutes of the 13th meeting of the network of contact parliamentarians to stop sexual violence against children, held in Strasbourg on 24 April 2013
3. Equal access to health care
Rapporteur: Mr Jean-Louis Lorrain, France, EPP/CD
[AS/Soc (2013) 32]
Consideration of a draft report and adoption of a draft resolution and a draft recommendation
4. Children's right to physical integrity
Rapporteur: Ms Marlene Rupprecht, Germany, SOC
[AS/Soc (2013) 17rev]
Consideration of a revised introductory memorandum
5. Energy diversification as a fundamental contribution to sustainable development
Rapporteur: Ms Doris Barnett, Germany, SOC
[AS/Soc (2013) 18rev, AS/Soc (2013) PV 02 add 2]
Consideration of a revised introductory memorandum
6. Food security
Rapporteur: Mr Fernand Boden, Luxembourg, EPP/CD
[AS/Soc (2013) 29]
. Consideration of a revised introductory memorandum
. Exchange of views with:
• Mr Eric Poudelet, Director for the safety of the food chain, Directorate General on Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) of the European Commission;
• Ms Anne-Laure Gassin, Director of Communications of EFSA (European Food Safety Authority).
7. Good governance of large metropolises
Rapporteur: Mr Jeffrey Donaldson, United Kingdom, EDG
[AS/Soc (2013) 24]
Exchange of views with Mr Fikret Toksöz, Advisor for the Good Governance Programme, Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV), Istanbul/Turkey
8.Child poverty: a cause of continuing human rights violations and a barrier to children’s full development
Rapporteur: Ms Sevinj Fataliyeva, Azerbaijan, EDG
[AS/Soc (2013) 31]
Consideration of an outline report
9. Changes to the membership of Sub-Committees
[List of the Sub-Committees]
. Ad hoc Sub-Committee to participate in the parliamentary Conference on the implementation of the ONE in FIVE Campaign of the Council of Europe in Baku (Azerbaijan)11 June 2013
10.Committee’s work programme and priorities
[AS/Soc (2013) 03 rev 3, AS/Soc (2013) 04 rev 3]
10.1. Consideration of draft motions for a resolution/recommendation with a view to adoption by the Committee for tabling:
[AS/Soc (2013) 28]
Kyoto Climate Change Protocol
10.2.Appointment of rapporteurs:
[Doc.13055, Doc. 12269, Doc. 12740, Doc. 13115, Doc. 13130, Doc. 13148, Doc.13149, Doc 13150]
For report
Ensuring children with attention problems are properly cared for
Decent work for all: combating social dumping
Call for a proper and mandatory exchange of information on condemned medical professionals
Exploitation of the workforce of poor countries
Protecting patients and public health against undue influence of the pharmaceutical industry
The inclusion of children’s rights in national constitutions as an essential component of effective national child policies
Effectively combating the adverse consequences of dirty money
10.3.Appointment of committee representatives to external events:
Seminar of the European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy on “good governance” to be held in the Council of Europe, EDQM building, Strasbourg, 17-18 June 2013
10.4. Reports from committee representatives to external events:
. Earl of Dundee (United Kingdom, EDG) on a fact-finding visit to the OECD in Paris,
1st March 2013;
. Ms Maryvonne Blondin (France, SOC) on the meeting of the Ad hoc Working Party of the Committee of Ministers on the Future of the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity
(North-South Centre), Strasbourg, 21 February et 22 March 2013;
. Mr Valeriu Ghiletchi (Republic of Moldova, EPP/CD) who took part in the 9th ILO European Regional Meeting on « Jobs, growth and social Justice », Oslo, 8-11 April 2013;
. Mr Tuur Elzinga (Netherlands, UEL) on a fact-finding visit to the CEB (Council of Europe Development Bank) offices in Paris, 27 May 2013.
10.5. Transmission of motions for information:
10.6.General Rapporteur on children:
General Rapporteur: Ms Stella Kyriakides, Cyprus, EPP/CD
[AS/Soc/Inf (2013) 07]
. Exchange of views
. Report by Ms Kyriakides on the 5th meeting of the Lanzarote Committee (T-ES), Strasbourg,
15-16 May 2013
11. Other business
National developments
12.Date and place of next meetings
Plenary committee:
-Third part-session 2013 of the Assembly, 24-28 June 2013, Strasbourg;
-Monday, 9 September 2013, Paris (Council of Europe office);
-Fourth part-session 2013 of the Assembly, 30 September – 4 October 2013, Strasbourg;
-Tuesday, 12 November 2013 and Wednesday, 13 November 2013, Geneva (subject to the authorisation by the Bureau, to be confirmed);
PACE network of contact parliamentarians to stop sexual violence against children:
-Third part-session 2013 of the Assembly, 25 June 2013, 2-3.30 pm, Strasbourg (date to be confirmed);
-Fourth part-session 2013 of the Assembly, 30 September – 4 October 2013, Strasbourg (date to be confirmed);
-Wednesday, 13 November 2013, Geneva (subject to the authorisation by the Bureau, to be confirmed).
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